Friday, June 19, 2009

So it goes....

My first post. I spent about a week making the page, still can't come up with a cool title, and I kept procrastinating actually blogging. I didn't know what to say! :) So... I'll keep it short.
I didn't work too much this week which coincided nicely with my dad and brothers being gone. My mom, sister and I had the house to ourselves which gave us many opportunities to catch up on our chick flicks. And eat ice cream and other sorts of junk food. The evidence is right on my face- it looks like I have a constellations on it. *sigh* It was a nice, quiet, relaxing week.
The Reading Hospital offered me a job on second shift as a phelbotomist in the ER and surrounding departments. I wanted it so badly, but I couldn't take it because I didn't want to quit my current job (it has got to be the most incredibly boring job in the world). I don't know... It would just seem so irresponsible to quit a month after starting. So I tossed around the idea of working both which would mean a 14 hour day. The monetary return would be fantastic, not to mention the experience. On the flip side, I would be incredibly grouchy (what happens when I do not sleep at least 7 hours), no church on Wednesday night, and generally no life to speak of. I'm home for my last summer, I might as well enjoy it while I am able to, right? Yes. I agree with you. I'm glad we're on the same page. I will just have to trust the Lord for my school bill. Every semester, it always gets paid. I don't know how. But it does. :)
I am currently reading Pride and Prejudice. It's on my summer list. While at school this past semester, I made a list of things to do this summer. I'll share them! :D
  • Ride my bike to Philly. (I don't think I can do it. But I'm looking for a new destination)
  • Go fishing with my brothers.
  • Read at least 5 "worth-while" books. None of this other nonsense I usually find myself enjoying. (2 down!)
  • Explore Bethlehem, Allentown, and surrounding areas for amazing local restaurants and cafe's.
  • Run 3 miles without stopping. (Halfway there!)
  • Spend a weekend with my gram and pap, looking through photo albums and drinking coffee on the deck.
  • Go white water rafting in Jim Thorpe.
  • Go to New York/Philly/D.C. Either or.
  • Sleep outside.
  • Budget my paycheck. (*sigh* work in progress.)
  • The most important: Get over it, and move on. Because there is so much more to life than the ridiculousness I get myself into. ( I know what that means. You don't need to. haha)

I know there are more. I forget them though. So I need to share 2 quotes from Pride and Prejudice with you.

If a woman is partial to a man, and does not endeavour to conceal it, he must find it out.--Chapter 6

The more I see of the world, the more am I dissatisfied with it; and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of merit or sense.
--Chapter 24

I said that would be short. ;) My bad.


  1. You are my newest follower, so I thought I would say hello.

    "Hello!" (and thanks for reading all my mommy-blogging nonsense)

    & I love P&P. Love, love, love it!

  2. Hey Ericka! I love how your blog looks like chocolate!

    As for point number whatever that was about white water rafting? I have a *list* of phone numbers in my purse right now of really awesome-sounding locations...we must must must!!!

    Anyway...keep it up! You made me smile tonight ;-) My link is also on my twit account haha!

  3. You make me smile =) Hope you're having a good summer... we should plan a coffee date soon.
    PS-Josh and I have a house!!!!
