Monday, August 24, 2009

This is how I feel these days. ;)

Two months of events and I do not have nearly enough time to bore you with them. Quick overview:

1. Roadtrip to NC with my best friends! Many stories to be told. I think my lot in life is to always be an accomplice. hehe.

2. I was recertified in CPR and AED. I have a mouthpiece and I am not afraid to use it.

3. Jim Thorpe Whitewater Rafting. It caused me a huge headache, but in the end, it was alot of fun. Good laughs. ;)

The whole group, advancing into the unknown waters of the Lehigh. ;)

4. I turned 21. Old age looms before me. I got a new license with which I proudly showed when I was carded. :D

>> Side note: The most notable present I received was a GPS. My days of exploring the countryside have come to an adrupt and happy end. Her name is Bridget Jones, complete with an English accent. Sometimes, we get into arguments when I try to outwit her but all together, we get along just fine.

5. Family camping trip in the wilds of Pennsylvania. We lost electricity on our camping trip! You can imagine my horror. Roughing it? Really.

6. I paid off my school bill. Huge answer to prayer.

7. Summer is wrapping up. :( It went incredibly fast. I am ready to return, though. I always have the feeling that I can't stay in one place for too long. Maybe I've grown accustomed to constant upheaval. Anyway, packing has begun, goodbyes are being said, car is being prepped... And so on.

Hopefully I'll get one more on here before I head back to the constant state of happiness, otherwise known as "PCC". ;) *snort*